Birthday Party Games which are a must for your party!

Birthday parties are never going to be the same with these amazing games. We present a list of great birthday party games which will transform your party into the most fun event around! They will keep the guests engaged and will make them want to never leave the venue!

  • Make your own Obstacle Course!

This game is great for kids! This active game needs a garden or a large room or hall and is perfect for a pirate party. Clear the space as much as possible. Then put some ‘islands’ (cushions, mats, beanbags, chairs, etc.) on the floor, forming an obstacle course. The children have to go around the room, jumping from island to island, without falling into the river (touching the floor).Whoever falls into the river the fewest times is the winner.

  • Candy Treat!

Make individual bowls of jelly with a small plastic animal in each. With their hands behind their backs, the kids have to get the animal out of the jelly using only their mouths. The first one to produce their animal is the winner. Best left till the end of the party!

  • Pin the tail on the donkey!

This one is a traditional game. Get a large piece of card, draw a donkey on it and make a tail from a separate piece of card. Blindfold each child and get them to attach the tail with Blu Tak. Write the child’s name in the spot where they stick the tail. The winner is the child who gets closest to where the tail should be. You can vary this game according to your party theme: pin the horn on the unicorn; pin the parrot on the pirate’s shoulder, etc.

  • Pass the parcel!

Make a parcel by wrapping up a prize in several layers of paper (one for each child, plus an extra one). Make sure the prize is wrapped in different paper, so you know when you’re at the last layer.Sit the children in a circle, give one of them the parcel and when the music starts, get them to hand it around the circle. When the music stops, the child who’s holding the parcel opens the first layer; put a small treat like a sweet or sticker between each layer. Make sure each child gets a turn to unwrap a layer, then turn away for the last round so the eventual winner is chosen randomly.

Birthday on Call is the name you can rely on for a fabulous experience on your birthday! We make your birthday memorable and a big hit! Call the best birthday party organisers in Delhi now!


Being an avid Birthday Party Organisers in Delhi, I love to seize every opportunity to throw a party and my kids birthdays are no exception. One of my client oldest daughter had just turned 6 and we’d been scheming to have a unicorn ice cream birthday party for her since last year.

Unicorn Theme Party
Unicorn Theme Party


On the morning of one of my client’s daughter’s birthday, she ran down stairs and oohed and aahed over the party decorations. The looks of kids faces was priceless and so worth all the time I put into the planning. Mostly, I like to keep my parties simple yet elegant. Creating a unique party theme and picking out the perfect color scheme are important parts of the planning process.